Media Spotlight Report

The Purpose-Driven Program

“A Growing Phenomenon in the Churches”

by Al Dager

This article examines the unbiblical nature of Rick Warren’s books and programs… along with some of his good points.

“His brand of ministry has been likened to a melding of corporate business sense with spiritual fervor. He has even trademarked the term ‘purpose-driven’. Without a doubt, Rick Warren is having the greatest impact upon churches of every theological persuasion since Promise Keepers first came on the scene in 1991…Easily, this is the most prolific enterprise for church growth that we have seen.”

I recommend you request a copy of this report from the Media Spotlight web site. Use the “contact us” link at the bottom of the left frame on the Media Spotlight site.



Also see the Berean Call’s resources on this topic:
Purpose Drive Critique 

James Sundquist – Confronting Error


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Are you a part of the Assemblies of God?

To what degree has your fellowship been affected by Rick Warren and Purpose Driven Programs?

If you have observed any of this or are interested in the documentation of others, please email me.


What is Rick Warren up to?
